Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Detox Update: Day 3

Okay, so this is the 30 day detox program from Dr. Schulze's. I don't plan on writing a post everyday, but I have found it nearly impossible to find any reviews on this program on any other site. It's just hard to find. So I am going to try and keep everyone updated on how this goes so that if you try this or you are trying this you will know what to expect. 

So all I have taken the last 3 days is the Intestinal Formula #1 (1 pill), Superfood Plus Powder (2TBL 2x day), and Echinacea (2 droppers full 2-3x a day). The Echinacea is suppose to be 5x a day, but I don't remember to do that. I am thinking of setting my phone alarm for that when I start the Intestinal Forumala #2. The Superfood Plus already has some detoxing plants in it so I'm thinking that is what's kick starting this detox. I didn't expect any symptoms until I started Intestinal Formula #2, but they are already starting. 

Last night it was so bad that I was just ready to throw the towel in and quit! On day 2! It was bad and it is still pretty bad as I type this on day 3. My throat is swollen, my sinus's are congested really bad, my head feels like it's going to explode at any given second. Just standing up from a normal sitting position makes me extremely dizzy and I feel as if I could just sleep all day. With a toddler though, that is not an option. My throat is bright bright red and I really do feel like I have the flu or that I have been hit by a mac truck. I do not have a fever at all though and it feels as if I should. I'm remember what day 1 felt like (amazing!) and I am focusing on that right now to get me through this. If I can have AMAZING everyday after this detox, then it will be worth it. 

Hope this helps somebody out there that might be going thru this to or is about to do this detox. :)

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